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Resources & Recommendations for New Parents


Shelly Varelli Holistic Birth services is NOT associated with any affiliate advertising programs. I receive 0% profit for the following recommendations shared~ XO, Shelly

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Comprehensive Pregnancy Guide & Planner $19.99

Unlock the full magic of your pregnancy and transformational journey with our comprehensive Pregnancy Guide and Planner! Packed with over 100 pages of trackers, worksheets, and checklists -designed to empower you every step of the way. Perfect for any expecting mamas, or to give as a gift!


 OHMI Midwives and Shelly Varelli Birth Services have partnered with a gift registry that makes it easy for expectant parents to raise funds to pay for support! 

You can now put my midwifery services ON YOUR REGISTRY. Also add childbirth ed and Doulas when you register. It’s a gift registry platform that makes it easy for parents-to-be to get the funds they need to pay for the support they deserve.  (all funds contributed from friends & family go directly into your designated bank account). 


Which herbs are safe in pregnancy?


Click here to learn more about the ingredients in the NORA tea blend. 


Sold at the office. 

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Local and national recommendations/referrals for everything from acupuncturists, chiropractors, crisis centers, doulas, midwives, therapists, and more! Updates 5/4/2022

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FInd a Doula serving an area near you (NWO & SEM)

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Where do we start with a new child in the house? Here are a few things that I love to get started with a new one

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Babywearing, car organization, strollers, and more!

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During postpartum, you don't need to be out and about shopping, you need to be loving that wonderful bundle of joy at home. So us this list to let someone else do the heavy lifting and drop it on your doorstep.

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Our top recommendations

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Our top recommendations

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Postpartum Planner Comprehensive Wellness Guide and Parent Journal $19.99


Unlock the full magic of your postpartum journey with the Postpartum Planner -

A Comprehensive Wellness Guide, and Parent Journal. Packed with 100 pages of trackers, worksheets, and checklists -designed to empower you every step of the way. Perfect for any expecting mamas, or to give as a gift!

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FInd a Doula serving an area near you (NWO & SEM)

PDF-updated Nov. 2024

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This free 3-page checklist and resource list (created by Shelly) will help to form the basis of any baby registry and help get you set up for postpartum, and parenthood! 

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Pumps, Bags, Bras, and more!

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Here are some of the things you might find useful during pregnancy. some you may have thought of, some you may not have

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Purchase the Childbirth Set yourself up for success with some tried and true recommended items for breast/chestfeeding and lactation. 

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High chairs, Splat mats, swings, and more!

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Not sure what gift to is best for the person with a new baby on the way, here are a few things they might not be thinking of.

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Our top recommendations

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Our top recommendations

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